Not C documentation

Not C is a programming language that is not C.

Chapter 1: setup


To install Not C you have to go to my github and download the code


To compile Not C you have to use the command:


You have to change the "name_of_your_file" to the accual name of your file

Chapter 2: stdout and stdin

Not C has a stdout function that is used to print text to the console


To use the stdout function you have to use the command:


Where "text" is the text you want to print

Not C also has a stdin function that is used to get input from the user


To use the stdin function you have to use the command:


Chapter 3: variables

in Not C you dont need to specify the type of a variable, you just have to type:

variable var_name = value

Where "var_name" is the name of the variable and "value" is the value of the variable

Chapter 4: IF statements

Not C has if statements that are used to check if a condition is true


To use the if statement you have to use the command:

if (condition) THEN (thing)

Where "condition" is the condition you want to check and "thing" is the thing you want to do if the condition is true

Chapter 5: Loops

Not C has 2 types of loops, the for loop and the while loop

For loop

The for loop is used to repeat a thing a certain amount of times


To use the for loop you have to use the command:

For (variable) TO (number) THEN (thing) END

Where "variable" is the variable you want to use, "nuber" is a number you want to count to, and "thing" is a thing you want to happen

While loop

The while loop is used to repeat a thing while a condition is true


To use the while loop you have to use the command:

While (condition) THEN (thing)

Where "condition" is the condition you want to check and "thing" is the thing you want to happen

Chapter 6: Functions

Not C has functions that are used to do a thing


To use a function you have to use the command:

function function_name (arguments) -> (thing)

Where "function_name" is the name of the function, "arguments" are the arguments of the function, and "thing" is the thing you want to happen

Chapter 7: Comments

Not C has comments that are used to explain what a thing does


To use a comment you have to use the command:

# comment

Where "comment" is the comment you want to make